Grave incidente automobilistico di Frank Carter, tour posticipato

Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes hanno posticipato il tour nordamericano

Frank Carter
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Posticipato il tour di Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes negli Stati Uniti

Un grave incidente automobilistico ha coinvolto Frank Carter ed un suo amico giovedì 19 settembre. L’artista era in viaggio nel Devon ed in seguito allo scontro ha riportato una frattura alla rotula, fratture alle costole, un lieve trauma cranico e vari tagli. È rimasto fino a venerdì 20 in ospedale e i medici gli hanno, come prevedibile, proibito di iniziare il tour per ragioni di salute. Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes avrebbero infatti dovuto dare il via, lunedì 23 settembre, ad una fitta serie di concerti negli Stati Uniti.

Pur rammaricato, Carter ha scritto in un post di sentirsi molto fortunato: “Siamo fortunati ad essere vivi e spero di essere abbastanza in forma da suonare per il resto del tour. Grazie per la vostra comprensione e il vostro supporto”. Ha condiviso una foto della macchina distrutta scrivendo: “Il mio amico Pete è stato meno fortunato. È stato liberato dal relitto da non meno di undici Vigili del fuoco, con un bacino fratturato triplo, milza rotta, costole multiple rotte e il tipo di tagli e contusioni che si ottiene dall’essere investiti da un’auto”.

Frank Carter però non si ferma

Le date che sicuramente non saranno suonate sono quelle della prima settimana, ma Frank Carter ha aggiunto di stare pensando ad una adeguata riprogrammazione.

23/09 – New York, Bowery Ballroom
24/09 – Baltimore, Ottobar
25/09 – Philadelphia, Underground Arts
27/09 – Louisville, Louder Than Life Festival
28/09 – Detroit, El Club
29/09 – Chicago, Cobra Lounge

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L’ultimo album del gruppo è quello uscito a maggio 2019 End Of Suffering, gran successo di vendite con il quarto posto nella classifica UK. Qui ne avevamo fatto una recensione.


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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING THE UPCOMING NORTH AMERICAN TOUR. THE FIRST WEEK OF DATES IS POSTPONED. On Thursday night at 7:20pm I was involved in a serious car accident in Devon, UK. I crawled out of the wreck with some cuts and scrapes, a kneecap in the wrong place, bruised ribs and a headache that won’t go away. My friend Pete was less fortunate, he was cut from the wreckage by no less than eleven firefighters with a triple fractured pelvis, ruptured spleen, multiple broken ribs and the kind of cuts and bruises you get from being hit by a car. We were all taken by ambulance to Derriford A&E where I stayed until 7:30am the next morning when I was finally released with a collection of minor injuries and a new appreciation of living. I have unfortunately been told I am unable to fly while my body recovers. As it stands the first week of our American tour will not proceed as planned. We looked at all the ways I could come and play the shows but once the doctor had seen me it was clear flying to New York this weekend was not an option. We will do everything in our power to make it up to you and are reviewing all the options including rescheduling. Due to the last minute nature of this situation we are not able to give news on when these might be rescheduled but please trust us in that we are working on it and will have an update soon. We are truly sorry to the fans who bought tickets and to the legends The Beaches who are driving to New York as I write this. Check the venue websites for more information on refunds or new dates. Currently affected shows are the following: 09/23 – New York, Bowery Ballroom 09/24 – Baltimore, Ottobar 09/25 – Philadelphia, Underground Arts 09/27 – Louisville, Louder Than Life Festival 09/28 – Detroit, El Club 09/29 – Chicago, Cobra Lounge We are lucky to be alive and I hope to be well enough to play the rest of the tour. Thank you for your understanding and your support.

Un post condiviso da Frank Carter (@frankcarter23) in data:

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