Ryan Gosling potrebbe entrare nel MCU

Un incontro tra Taika Waititi e Ryan Gosling ha aperto le porte a possibili illazioni sulla possibilità di vedere l'attore nel Marvel Cinematic Universe

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Ryan Gosling potrebbe essere il nuovo volto pronto ad entrare nel MCU.

A farlo presumere è stato uno scatto che lo ritrae insieme a Taika Waititi, regista di Thor: Ragnarok e del prossimo Thor: Love ad Thunder.

Lo scorso venerdì i due si sono incontrati per un pranzo di lavoro a Los Angeles e il loro incontro ha dato il via a delle illazioni che vorrebbero il protagonista di La La Land pronto ad entrare nel Marvel Cinematic Universe.



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#News and new #Candids … Ryan Gosling might be headed into the Marvel Universe … What do you think guys? On August 16 he was spotted eating lunch with “Thor 4” director Taika Waititi @littledomsla in Los Angeles. While the meaning of their meeting is unknown, many are speculating that Ry will join Waititi and Chris Hemsworth (Thor) in the upcoming fourth installment of the franchise. The duo have not officially announced any upcoming collaborations but it was previously reported that Ryan was in talks to join the director in his upcoming flick “Akira”, adaptation of the Japanese manga. Ryan could also be involved in another Taika’s project as Director: Taika Waititi is set to write and direct ‘Next Goal Wins’ for producer Garrett Basch and Andy Serkis and Fox Searchlight Pictures before he tackles Thor 4, the fourth installment of the Marvel franchise. Serkis’ Imaginarium Productions optioned the rights to the 2015 British documentary Next Goal Wins, directed by Mike Brett and Steve Jamison. It is about the national soccer team for American Samoa. Imaginarium brought the project to Waititi, who then brought Basch on board. Waititi and Iain Morris will co-write the adaptation. Jonathan Cavendish, Brett and Jamison will also produce. Waititi is repped by CAA and Ry too. ? credit to Backgrid More ? in my gallery (link in the bio) :*✧・゚:*✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ #ryangosling #ryan_gosling #ryangoslingfandom #ryangoslinglove #ryangoslingisperfect #ryangoslingfan #ryangoslingedit #ryangoslingmeme #losangeles #marvel #thor #taikawaititi #akira

Un post condiviso da @ ryangoslingdailypage in data:

Ryan Gosling e Taika Waititi non hanno annunciato nessuna collaborazione ufficiale, ma negli scorsi mesi era stata riportata la notizia che l’attore era in trattative per unirsi a Waititi in Akira, pellicola la cui lavorazione è slittata in avanti proprio a causa degli impegni legati alle riprese di Thor 4.

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